Great places to do business

Find out where and how we operate

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, located in Central Europe, is one of the most stable and prosperous states in the region. Since the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993, the Czech Republic has successfully implemented a few economic reforms and integrated into the global economy. Joining the European Union in 2004 strengthened its role on the continent and contributed to economic growth. Many prosperous people choose this country to live in. Most of our clients actively work with our Czech fund of qualified investors and actively invest in our projects.

The investment fund is responsible for raising capital in the region of the Czech Republic and Central Europe from investors to whom it delivers stable and attractive valuations. The fund is managed by AVANT Funds, a major management company. The fund was established in 2018 and has since earned its position as one of the most prominent funds of qualified investors in the Czech Republic.
Key Person Petr Zacek
Approx. equity € 85 million
Anticipated return of up to 11 % p.a.
r2p invest SICAV, a.s.


The economy of Cyprus has constantly surprised by its ability to bounce back from times of adversity, underscoring the strength of the small island nation. Despite several shocks in the last decade the country has managed to stay on track, diversify and attract new investment, earning its reputation as one of the most resilient EU economies.

The Fund is structured as a single scheme fund, offering a focused investment approach tailored to meet the discerning needs of our investors. At the heart of our operations lies effective Portfolio Management and Risk Management practices. Each investment decision is underpinned by exhaustive research, rigorous analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, thereby ensuring the preservation and enhancement of investor capital.
Key Person Yana Fedchun
Anticipated return of up to 6–10% p.a.


Singapore is our gate to Indonesia, the undisputed leader of Southeast Asia: Indonesia's GDP is on the 16th place, in terms of purchasing power parity – on the 7th; the population is 280 million people.The population is quite young: the average age of an Indonesian is less than 30 years old – this is basically a trend for Southeast Asia, and Indonesia sets it.The financial sector is developing rapidly, relying on the support of the state.

Company analyses and purchases portfolios of non-performing receivables of capital companies that provide cash and consumer loans. We only invest in portfolios of receivables that we assess as suitable for purchase and with a high probability of subsequent appreciation. This company is active not only in its nearby region, but can operate worldwide thanks to connection with other branches.
Key Person Natalie Ponomarou
Current debt cases 2.37 mil. €
Nominal value of receivables 841.5 mil. EUR


Egypt is one of the largest and most developed economies on the African continent. In recent years, he has been going through a socio-economic crisis. But it still has good business potential. The financial services sector is developing very rapidly, and many companies are considering the opportunity to strengthen themselves here as an opportunity to further advance on the African continent.

r2p LA&CS a.s. is a partner of financial institutions for analysis and settlement of non-performing receivables. We invest in portfolios of non-performing receivables in the US, Latin American region and Northern Africa.
Key person Bohuslav Kratena
Assets under management € 780 million
Start of operations 2020
r2p LA&CS a.s.

United Arab Emirates

The UAE economy has the potential for strong growth and prosperity in the near future, despite the complexities of the global economic situation. The UAE is a stable center of economic activity, coping with global challenges and steadily developing in times of change.

Opening Soon

Our Dubai-based subsidiary was established in 2023. Through this company, our Group is preparing for active operations not only in the United Arab Emirates but throughout the Middle East region.
Key Person To be announced
Assets To be announced
Headquarters Dubai


India is showing impressive growth rates: GDP has grown from $ 949 billion in 2006 to $ 3.6 trillion in 2023, that is, 3 times.It is expected that in the next 15 years the indicator will triple again, and India will become the third economy in the world by 2031. Demographics, among other things, play in favor of the country — the population and the low average age.The population is 1,425 mn peopleThe financial system is developing rapidly, which contributes to the rapid growth of lending to most of the population.

The subject of the company's activity is the acquisition of the rights of claim to borrowers for the payment of funds under credit agreements, loan agreements and other obligations and the issuance of bonds secured by allocated assets.
Key Person Boris Gazovic
Established 2018

United States of America

Despite many difficulties, the USA economy remains stable. This stability is underpinned by a robust financial system, significant technological innovation, and a dynamic workforce. The country's vast consumer market, advanced infrastructure, and business-friendly regulatory environment make it an attractive destination for investors. Additionally, the USA's strong legal framework and property rights protection provide a secure foundation for both domestic and foreign investments. While political and economic challenges persist, the resilience and adaptability of the American economy continue to foster a climate conducive to long-term growth and investment opportunities.

Opening Soon

The US branch is an integral part of our expansion, which follows our successful entry into the Latin American market. Our years of experience are clearly one of our other competitive advantages. We have a history of analyzing many countries, which allows us to accurately determine the redemption price of a debt portfolio and to segment it on a case-by-case basis.
Key Person To be announced soon
Assets under management To be announced soon
Headquarters To be announced soon


Brazil is one of the most important economies in the world and the largest in Latin America. Its economy is characterized by a large and diverse volume of production and trade. In 2023, Brazil ranks 10th in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and is one of the leaders in the region.

r2p LA&CS a.s. is a partner of financial institutions for analysis and settlement of non-performing receivables. We invest in portfolios of non-performing receivables in the US, Latin American region and Northern Africa.
Key person Bohuslav Kratena
Assets under management € 780 million
Start of operations 2020
r2p LA&CS a.s.


Mexico is one of the leading economies in the world and the second largest in Latin America. Its economy is marked by a diverse and dynamic industrial base, significant trade volume, and a strong manufacturing sector. In 2023, Mexico ranks 12th in terms of gross domestic product, reflecting its significant global economic presence. The country is a major player in international trade, particularly with its close economic ties to the United States and Canada through the USMCA agreement. Additionally, Mexico is rich in natural resources and has a growing technology sector, further bolstering its economic resilience and potential for future growth.

r2p LA&CS a.s. is a partner of financial institutions for analysis and settlement of non-performing receivables. We invest in portfolios of non-performing receivables in the US, Latin American region and Northern Africa.
Key person Bohuslav Kratena
Assets under management € 780 million
Start of operations 2020
r2p LA&CS a.s.


The pace of economic growth in Kazakhstan is growing from year to year. Over the past year, the inflow of investments has increased several times, which contributes to the development of all sectors of the economy and the growth of financial services.

Our company established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On project financing and securitization". The subject of the company's activity is the acquisition of the rights of claim to borrowers for the payment of funds under credit agreements, loan agreements and other obligations and the issuance of bonds secured by allocated assets.
Key Person Thomas Pappas
Nominal value of receivables 21 milion €
Current number of debt cases 127 000
SFC r2p invest KZ LLP